Sunday, September 20, 2009

Prayer of Teacher Dedication:

Dear God,
Help these that stand before you to teach with wisdom, for they work with you to shape minds. Let them ask the hard questions and work through the answers, and then frame provocative questions to stimulate the thinking of their learners. Let them analyze their subject matter into parts and see the relationships and discover the unity of the whole. Help them to know the problems their learners experience with the subject matter, and let them encourage them to get over the humps of discouragement. Equip these teachers to teach with truth as they work with You to shape their learners conscience. Encourage these teachers, before You, to teach with vision for they help to shape their student’s future. A good teacher foresees objections and thinks them through so they can answer their pupils intelligently. Help them to put themselves in the place of a variety of learners, and therefore explain hard things in terms we as learners can understand. Help our teachers to be concrete not abstract, specific not general, precise not vague, vulnerable and not evasive. Empower them to teach with love for they help to shape the world. Finally, dear Father, let their goal as good teachers be to transform life and thought into a Christ-honoring unity. Amen.

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