Father, we know from Your Word that You desire Your
children to know that we are truly saved, and we are to bare the marks of
authentic Christianity ,i.e. understanding biblical truth, obedience to Your
will, and sharing Your divine love. (1Jn.5:13)
We ask that You give
us the kind of fellowship that flows out of regular and sincere prayer, humble
service, esteeming others more highly than ourselves. Help us to solve conflicts quickly. Teach us to maintain fellowship with You,
Father, through faithfully studying Your Word, consistent confession of sins,
living obediently by the power of Your Holy Spirit. These qualities strengthen our fellowship
with You Lord and others. (1Jn.1:3)
This fellowship is nurtured when sin is honestly
confronted, understanding that sin will destroy our intimacy with You. Help us not to deny sin, but to confess it,
help us to see that all are sinners, but that believers have an advocate with
You Father, Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me to honestly confront sin in my life.
Make me a genuine Christian who knows the true God, consistently
obeying Your Word, being in Christ and having God’s love perfected in me,
loving Your people. Make this obedience
, evident to all that I am your disciple.
Help us to live by the Spirit of God, being careful to
love You, following spiritual insight, not the world, centering our focus on
God, not self. (1Jn.2:17)
Make us genuine in our acceptance of the Truths that
Jesus is the Son of God, that He took on human flesh while remaining truly God,
that He was born of a virgin and had no sin nature, that He died on the cross
as the perfect, acceptable sacrifice for sin, that He rose from the dead and is
seated at the right hand of God the Father.
Help me to abide in and share these biblical truths about my Savior.
Teach me to practice what being in Christ really means,
communicating with You through prayer and Your Word, submitting to Your will by
the power of the Holy Spirit, responding to the sure return of Christ with
confidence and commitment. (1Jn.3:2)
A true believer’s behavior will match their belief. Help us to look to Christ as our standard
realizing that all sin originates from the Devil. Jesus has come to destroy the Devil’s work,
and that believers are truly God’s children called to live godly lives.
Genuine love is demonstrated by works, not words, help me
to show genuine love for others through daily intercessory prayer, listening to
and encouraging others, and serving others as a daily sacrifice to God. I know by doing this I will fulfill the law
of Christ. (1Jn.3:16)
As a true Christian I must be careful to discern between
truth and error, affirming that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, knowing
those who accept this affirmation are of God and understand God’s truth. Help me Lord to distinguish with keen insight
between truth and error. (1Jn.4;2)
You, Father, have taught me that godly love is
demonstrated by love and care for others, not just what I want (epithumia), nor
by what feels good (eros), nor by what I am obligated to do (storge), not even
just what a friend is for (philia), but by what I can give (agape), loving
others with a sacrificial love. (1Jn.4:16)
Your Word teaches that faith in Christ overcomes the
world, trusting Him for victory just as we have trusted Him for our salvation,
receiving power for victory through the Holy Spirit who empowers us as we put
our faith in God. This we know that the
world is powerless to overcome the believer who is empowered through faith in
Christ. (1Jn.5:4)
Father, You have given confidence for life which comes
from knowing Christ. Continue to give us
assurance that the struggles we face against sin are worth it, that Your power will ultimately do away with
all of life’s struggles, that You are available at any moment through prayer,
that You want to hear and answer our prayers, giving us hope because You
respond with grace that is sufficient for all our struggles. Father, give us boldness because we have
access to Your wisdom, living with that confidence in the face of conflict.
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