Saturday, January 5, 2013

Learning Big Lessons on Life!

 Father, the Book of Job touches my heart.  Help me to accept the study of Job as personally important (Psalm 42:5).  As a true believer I seek to live right because I revere You, Lord. “Reverent fear" is evidenced by a tender conscience, a watchfulness against temptation, and avoiding things that would displease You.  As a result of Your eternal plan and priceless payment for sin, my faith and hope can be placed in You.  Help me to live right out of fear of the Lord. (Proverbs9:10).
     Father, I believe I can overcome Satan’s attacks through faith in You.  Not only did Christ provide the victory, but also those who were martyred took part in that victory.  I ask that You Defeat Satan through my faith in You and Your Word.  (Revelation 12:10).
     I know from the Bible that You are trustworthy for Who Your are no matter the circumstances I face.  It is truly remarkable that Job followed adversity with adoration, woe with worship.  Let my devotion be without dollars received in return; help me be godly apart from material gain. Let me Trust in Who You are alone.  (Job 1:20–22).
     I know that praising God and maintaining hope in Him are the right responses to a deep sense of grief.  Help me to base my appeal on the fact that I would be useless to the Lord in the grave.  Teach me how to praise God and maintain hope in You Lord while in the midst of trials (Psalm 88:1, 2).
    Help me by your grace to seek God for God, not what you can do for me. Let me finish my test,  in order that I may lay claim to gold-like purity all along—before and during the trial—because I have followed the Lord closely, keeping to The Way  without deviating and while obeying You. Teach me to relish every word of God, seeking God for God, not for what You give me.  (Job 23:10).
     Lord, You are always just in your dealings with people.  You have told “mankind” that the essence of wisdom is to “venerate and submit to” the Lord,  even when men cannot understand God's ways, and to reject evil, living in accord with God’s standards of holiness.  Father,

help me to honor You by hating sin, trusting what the Bible says about You being just.(Job 28:28).
    My Lord and my God, You are not defined by my experiences nor any human  interpretation of history but through Your revelation of Your Son in His Word.  Help me to evaluate what is only nonsense “empty, futile, useless”;that which has “no meaning” and that evidences being faithless “unfaithful,& treacherous”.   Let me not  be fooled by false explanations of suffering.  Teach me to  Know God only through Your Word. (Job 21:34).
     I know that I should praise Your majesty despite my circumstances. Father, You are beyond the reach of any man’s mental powers.  Your power or sovereignty, and Your justice are not to oppress or oppose the believer.  Teach me to praise Your majesty despite circumstances.  (Job 37:22b, 23).
    Lord, Your wise goodness is evident everywhere and is always worthy of trust.   Men, though we sometimes extol God, don't  really know whereof we speak when we blame You for being unfair. Don't let my words be without knowledge, but help me to trust Your wise goodness.(Job 38:3, 4).
     You are the master over all powers.  Show me how to admit to Your sovereignty and to my own sin of pride, submitting to Your sovereign power. (Job 42:1, 2).
     God’s love and grace for us in the midst of our trials makes our faithfulness to You possible.  Open my eyes dear Lord to focus on the final lap in the race of life. Help me by Your grace to have a long fuse.  Let me look ahead to the Lord’s coming.  Rejoicing in My Savior's eternal love. (James 5:11).
     Father, you have given me examples through Your Word of learning and growth. Some things of themselves may not be good, but You, my Father, harmonize  them  together for every believers’ ultimate good.  Help me to grow from the example of Job.(Romans 8:28).  Amen!

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