Sunday, March 17, 2013

Prayer in Answer to Christ’s Call

Lord, help me by the power of Your Holy Spirit to commit to studying and personally applying the lessons of Acts.  Your program of redemption will move forward according to Your time table. (Acts 1:8).
      Let my service be by the power of Your Holy Spirit.  Lord Jesus, You gave the Holy Spirit to believers to empower us for the ministry of reconciliation. (Acts 2:38).  
     Please, Lord, we are in need of Your  great grace.  We have confidence from Your Word that You give enabling grace to those who seek to obey and serve You. (Acts 4:33). 
     Help me to serve You my Lord with a genuine, sacrificial heart.  Lord, show me how to be selfless, and sacrificial in my attitudes and actions and so cause growth in the church. (Acts 5:41). 
     Teach me to trust You in tragedies.  I know that Your plan dear God is not hindered even in life’s apparent tragedies. (Acts 7:59, 60). 
     I believe with all my heart in  the power of the gospel.  You are the gospel and You know no boundaries. (Acts 9:22).
     Help me to  witness to all “kinds” of people.  Make me eager to share  the gospel and  to think Your thoughts after You concerning the lost. (Acts 11:17).
     Help me to be active in my support of missions.  I know as part of the local church I must be involved in the missions outreach of its members. (Acts 14:27). 
     Teach me to hold to pure doctrine.  I know from Your Word that doctrinal purity is essential in a local church. (Acts 15:11).
     Let me be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading.  I know that every believer should live by the Spirit of God and His leading through the Scriptures.  (Acts 16:25). 
     Let me focus on serving God, not self.  Your Apostle Paul served You with focus, dedication, and sacrifice.  Let him be my example with Christ my Lord and my God. (Acts 20:32). 
     Show me how to trust You steadfastly in all circumstances, even when treated unfairly, for I know as Your servant, I must remain steadfast , unmovable , always abounding. (Acts 26:22, 23).
     Teach me to rejoice in Your faithfulness.  Unveil Christ's faithfulness to His church as seen in Acts, that it might extend to believers  today. (Acts 1:8; 28:28).  Amen.

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